Poisonous pets
Posted on Saturday, January 31, 2009, at 8:40 AM

The picture above is a Yellow Fat Tail Scorpion.
The most poisonous among all scorpion.
Till now there is no vaccine for its venom yet
However, people are still keeping them as pets.
Pets, come in alot type of definition.
Pet that you can cuddle with
or pet that are for decoration.
I myself, owns both categories of pet.
People oftenly ask me
" Vin, why you keep all these pets?Arent they dangerous?"
" Why I didnt saw you touch your scorpion/tarantula before? "
Why do i keep all these pets huh? Maybe as hobby? Ask a person who collect gems or precious stones , why they keep n collect all those things. Maybe they will answer , is based of their believe into fengshui cause gemstones bring effects in life. For me myself, im more into animals. Different animal acts differently, different genus acts diffently too.They themselves have their own uniqueness. The method of hunting prey. The colours of their body. One word, beautiful xD.
And there, some people asked me this question before too
"Is bad for killing "- i feed my pets with live crickets n worms =x .
One might saw is cruel, but hey, this is the way they eat. They stings and grab it on their pincers. or bites them on their fangs. Or entangle them up and swallow their prey alive. Thats how predators hunt and consume preys. I guess everyone learn food chain cycle dont they? If one say this is gruesome, think of how those chicken that are daily eaten by human. Those live chicken will be cut on their throats. Some might survive with blood spilling all over. Next , those chickens will be dump into a hot machine bumping them all over the wall to get rid of their feathers. after they r featherless, they r cut into pieces and been placed into a pan full of boiling oil to become KFC chicken =x. So, ask yourself, which is more gruesome?
Some pets are not advisable for handling because of their aggresiveness. You know who are they but they do not know who are you. To them, we are threats. Therefore they will protect themself by using their natural abilities though. Even the most docile tarantula has its own record of bitting human. Catching it and put own hand, maybe to me is trying to be 'macho'? haha. Well, different people have their different method of handling. For me, i will be always cautious when handling these creatures.
Handle Them with respect and they wont sting u~
Labels: Pets