Girls-Chinese Ed Vs English Ed. Part 2
Posted on Friday, February 27, 2009, at 11:13 AM

"eh Fcuk u la b!tch, shut the fcuk up and concentrate, imma show u what is called part 2 "
yea yea, part 2
English ed arh, like the first sentence, this is what alwiz been spur out from their mouth.
Vulgarity. lol , dun get the wrong idea. Vulgarity that is in english language. Those hokkien de cb lj are not belong to them imho. Besides, they also said some english educated girls tend to break rules. For example maybe will be like school proper attire? Coloured spectacle, coloured braces, what summore? coloured bra? =x i dun know though for this.
Besides, they dun even think far compared to chinese ed girls.
"eh wanna go tuition?"
"dunwan la,the tutor is fcuked up and i also dam lazy wanna attend"
And also, some of them are just easily to giv up.
"wahlauweh so far la this marathon *pant pant* "
another party " *honHon* wanna ride car finish this marathon ? "
" wah cun la u drive car, okie okie <3
What i trying to implies is some of them alwiz choose the easy path rather than the hard one lo.
Some also said that some english ed girls tend to look down on chinese educated girls?
"LOL see, that chinese looking nerd coming larrr "
"eww... what generation is it now? Look at her fashion? Outdated! Buuuuu"
"eh im smarter la, what u know about english le?"
Yea, looking down on chinese educated girls. But in my opinion some chinese educated girls are more clever , more updated than english girls though. For me, even though u feel proud of urself one shall not look down on ppl lo. Smart enough, dun act smart, it makes u like an idiot .
English educated girls are not just that bad afterall, they themselves, have their own pros too.
According to sources, they are more easily approachable and active? hohoho. Look around, how many chinese girls go out with guys compared to english girls? i dun know.
An example.
-guy : hey girls wanna go out?
-chi ed : -.-
-eng ed : okay! go where?
-guy : maybe we go for a movie?
-eng ed : Sounds great!
-chi ed: -.- <--- wtf like ppl who cant talk
Some of them are also straight forward. I remembered once i was talking to an english educated girl on the phone, so dam paiseh siol, point out my language mistakes -.-" dam zhadao.Besides, they are also kinda ..hmm.. open minded? Do u notice when u talk about sex, some girls tend to be queit? So shy for what o, what generation are we living in? LOL, but some of english ed girls can even continue the sex topic with guys happily @_@.
lol what summore? seems like there is no more points.
Well for conclusion, for some ppl however, chinese educated or english educated are actually not the factor they are different though, it is just that the environment that one person been brought up. After all ,there was a saying , "birds of the same feather,flocks together" ?
k ba thats all le . lol my blogging crap xD
*what im saying here is not pointing to all english educated girls, if u all are offended, i cant help it but to blame urself for thinking u r one of them.*
Labels: Girls
Girls-Chinese Ed Vs English Ed. Part 1
Posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2009, at 10:36 AM

oh.. sorry la fren. mid test season.
k. now free.
what i wanna write le?
k la. ppl say men always worried abotu 2 things- money and ladies.
so.Lets talk about Girls.
nah nah. i dunwan talk about Girls onli
lets make it..err "Chinese Ed Vs English Ed."
generally chinese girls are more shy though,
worst if they are from all girls school.
when going out with guys, they will tend to paiseh paiseh
"eeee~ wo bu gan le~ *blush blush* "
lol,however from my pov, some are really shy, some are wearing a mask.
A hungry wolf that wears an innocent girl mask that wanna eat up that boi.
oh, eat up basically means leech or parasite. suck arh suck arh suck all ur money gon gon cheng cheng then throw u in rubbish bin.
Well, other than that, imho chinese ed girls tend to tarik harga themselves.
"oh baby, wo ai ni, yuan yi become wo de gf?"
they will mostly reply" err..let me think first ba"
see. this is what i called "tarik harga"
they will tarik n tarik the price till dam high even though they hav ntg to tarik.
end up no ppl wan. sad. rambutan with durian's price tag.
From what i read, they say some chinese ed girls are also more prone to emo eh?
hmm, they also said some chinese ed are not independent and mentally not strong leads them to emo emo..huhuhu cry cry cry whole day. Imo, all girls emo alot, including english ed.
Besides, i also found that in some sources they say some chinese ed girls use tend to use peace and cute sign? One finger poking their cheek, etc ,etc. They even said they are less mature and childish when come to solving matters. Well, i hav no idea regarding that point.
And of cox, chinese ed girls are not totally that bad though. According to resource, when come to studies, they are smarter compared to english ed. I see alot of my female frens who are chinese ed, all dam pro =/ . They are also very persistent in doing things, for example if they wanna do sumthing, they will achieve it no matter what. And also, chinese ed are more conservation compared to english ed. The way they dress certainly more femine compared to english ed which always balik balik jeans with t-shirt =x. However, ahlians dont fall into these 2 categories, haha, i guess they thought the shorter they wear, the more chio they are. tsk tsk tsk. Walk around u will see they wear skirt as if wear ntg.
k la, dun wan write liao xD continue part 2 regarding english ed next time.
*what im saying here is not pointing to all chinese girls, if u all are offended, i cant help it but to blame urself for thinking u r one of them.*
Labels: Girls
Posted on Sunday, February 15, 2009, at 8:18 AM

K. what i wanna write today?
2009 Valentine?
well, for me, it is nothing but the same like any other day.
Dota, hanging with computers,
watch tv,
sit sit,
walk walk,
stractch head,
stractch buttock,
dig nose,
uhh.. is the same la, so sien. Wan go out, also no mood. Went to buy bus ticket,
the auntie told me " Ticket tinggal sikit aje la boi,"
Suprised, i asked o.0! "Apasal hari rabu aje ni"
"Banyak orang back tuk Valentine hehehe"
oh fcuk, even i wan back home on valentine, also cant choose the time i prefer.
-.- harlo~, i went there bought the ticket 2 days earlier...
dun understand couples, valentine nia also wan snatch bus ticket with me.
wan make love inside bus meh?
Dun say bus, wan go out makan on that V day also hard.
full of couple
" Sorry eh sir, we hav no more space"
therefore, wnt to other not-so-many-couple restaurant
"Sir , u wanna try our Valentine set?"
oh fcuk, hav a valentine meal with another guy.
not say cheaper. if cheaper i eat lar.
duh..i remembered i read one blog too
he said even those goreng pisang auntie raise goreng pisang price
kononnyer valentine.
wahkau. small small goreng pisang naik 10sen.
zz. dunwan continue
-stay at home is better afterall
Labels: V-day
"What Dota Teaches Me" compilation
Posted on Monday, February 9, 2009, at 8:09 AM

*these comment are from dota players in one of lowyat's forum thread*
Labels: Dota
R.I.P MapleSea Economy
Posted on Monday, February 2, 2009, at 6:59 AM

There was a glitch in maple regarding mesos. Mesos, is maple ingame currency. Every online games priotize on their in game money. If a person is rich, he surely can become top player with godly equipments.
Therefore, everyone was chasing after mesos. In order to gain more mesos, mostly convert to trader(gain mesos by business). This category of people become somehow the richest people in game till 2.2.2009. A quest with bug was discovered by adminstrators. Urgent patch has been done, however the damage been done was already too heavy. According to rumours, this glitch started few days back before 2.2.2009. If a person able to click continously by misusing that bug and gain 500million within 2 hours, try to imagine the amount if been doing continously for 2 or 3 days.
For us who on the bright side, it takes VERY LONG time to obtain such figure of mesos rather than merely 2 or 3 days.This somehow, creating a situation similiar to the era of "Banana Tree Notes".
So, what did AsiaSoft done till now other than urgent patch to remove the glitch?
Nothing. Tons of messages are sent to maple admin but sadly there is no reply from them. Mostly everyone was saying unfair and hoping for a rollback however from what i can predict, according to this gaming company which priotize on money, there will be no rollback or action. Even if there is action taken, i guess it will be just some 2x drop rate or 2x exp event to cover up this issue.
And there, i would like to stress again, the word "fair" dont exist either in virtual world or reality.
If life has ever been made fair, there won't be handicapped or poor civilians around the streets. If life has ever been made fair, there wouldn't be vast differences in social status in the society.
From this tradegy itself, lots of people are quitting again.
Soon, Asiasoft maple will meet their downfall.
R.I.P Maple
Labels: Maple