Words Combo
Posted on Sunday, March 29, 2009, at 2:11 PM

lol, surfing thru net and i saw this @_@.
just to share wit everyone~
Read all the 3 titles together as if they are 1 sentence.
Nice Advertisement words Combo
"Adakah anda masih menganggur? Pancutkan isteri berkali kali confirm dapat kerja "
Labels: Nonsense
Weird Human Attitude
Posted on Tuesday, March 24, 2009, at 1:39 PM

Today, while talking crapz with my roomie.
As normal we talk nonsense and he is always in that gheylish attitude LOL
then he asked me..
"Besides programming and computer related subjects, what have you learn in Uni? "
Well, i told him, i seen alot types of weird human attitude during my uni life.
Different types of people needs different types of handling or social skills.
One wrong word may leads you been anti or etc etc.
Acting different than others even worse. People will think u as weirdo.
Well maybe i list some of people that i have meet during my Uni life.
Sometimes, you may think a person is good. But after you live close with that person for a period. All their other side begins to appear lo. From a considerate person, they can become unconsiderate. Whatever also change la, just like atlantic becomedesert wtf. Really , from my experience. Just like my roommate, LOL. At first i thought he is abit of queit and normal person. Nabeh who knows when i live with him he told me he is GHEY and LIKE POKE ARSE. LOL. ( dun scold me hor tm, u self keep reminding me u is ghey de xD )
Besides, there is this type of people who wear mask. Pretend to be good infront u then keep stabbing behind u. Sien la this type of ppl. I see before lo how ppl kena treated this way. lol. Dun look down this ppl who wear mask i tell u. They have the power to make you like sohai in class cause other ppl brain hav been installed with new weird impression of you spread by those fcuktards who wear mask.
Second would be, those ppl who kiasu like siao. Seriously dam dulan this type of ppl. Know why? Let me link it with Assignment. Lets imagine a scenario, lecturer call u to do a report of 10 pages. This kiasu sohai go do 100 pages. U might think he sohai go do 100 pages while requirement is just 10 pages but hey look, that fcuking 100pages will be comparison for other reports as though that 100 pages is a perfect report. Therefore, full mark for 100pages, lesser mark for below 100 pages ones. Sohai kiasu ppl.
Third would be regarding girls. I dunno why. Why they have boyfriends before entering uni but however they still wanna find another spare tyre in uni le? Is it love is like fuel? wah.. go everywhere need to pump love. no love will mati . Summore, there is this type of person too. How to describe le? Sien. Disgusting. . Suckz. Horny . Biatch. Oppurtunists. whateva la u fill in yourself. If u dun like ppl who going after u, please, tell them directly dun keep them wait. Gaining benefits from people who after that fella but didnt giv them answers. Really like parasite siol. Sometiems i see those victims also kesian. Sad.
Fourth , i will shine the light to 'dogs'. Why dogs? In society, there is alot of groups. In a group, there will be a leader, surely there will be dogs will willing to lick their leader shoes just to please their leader. Lick till shiny shiny tim. if u call them do things, they will ignore u, if their leader call, wah. even go thru the rain and thunderstorm just to complete that spesific task, they are willing to do it . How loyal.
k la i thinks thats all le. cant type already. 5am jor -.- . if anyone feel offended or anything , sorry la bro . i didnt mention any name. If u feel is u, i cant help it.
Labels: People
Virus affect my lappie =/
Posted on Wednesday, March 18, 2009, at 11:50 AM
Few days ago,was waiting for dota gathering at friends room
GoldFish : eh vin, borrow your pendrive xfer things.
Vin : ok. nah take it.
During my pendrive was not with me. it was circulated all around poking and cucuk-ing so many laptops.
CutieGuy : Vin!!! your pendrive got virus liao! wtf is ryan.exe?
Vin : how i know @_@. * didnt notice what happen yet *
Come take lai, i scan
After cucuk my laptop with pendrive. my laptop straight tiok infected by worm
wah, everything become sot sot. C drive become D drive @_@. ultimate lag. Therefore reformat and reformat only fix it ok but all my programs and files all gone. So sad la.
lol now ok d xD.
Thats y didnt write for these days @_@
will update if i think of any idea la =x
Labels: Daily
Oh, Now You Think You're Smart
Posted on Saturday, March 7, 2009, at 12:12 AM
Mind you, ppl say learning is a nonstop process in this lifetime.
Low Mentality, self-centered, ummatured statement been used.
-" i know you dunno. i no learn before i also know yet u studying it dunno "
-A : how to solve this ACCA question ah? So complex and hard.
B : i dunno wor..
A : wah right now in form 4 u study accouting u also dunno? sad..
B : ...
A was asking a question which not yet learn by B. B replied he do not know how to answer. Without thinking, A hurled sentence that did not go through his mind.
Let's think about it, you are asking a form 4 student to answer ACCA question.
If B able to answer, he wont be studying basic accounting already.
Frens, let me ask u, u do not need to answer me after u read. Lets say, for example,
a trainee teacher learn "method of how to approach student" at semester 1. 2 years passed. A person asked that trainee, " Eh you know how to talk to student well?"
With good intention, trainee wanna help, first few basic question he able to answer without reference, however when things get hard, will he able to recall what he learn 2 years back?
If i say that trainee is stupid cause do not know to answer me. What is ur opinion towards me?
Not onli this, lets take another scenario which i cant think of any others.
Lets take my field, computer science. There is alot of programming language. And i would like to correct ppl who do not understand. Programming doesnt mean 1 language onli. It consist uncountable language. To master one language, one need to learn up from basic till advance level. This is just the same concept with learning oral language. Wahlau dont tell me u learn english then u can speak fluently in Japanese?
Besides, i wanna stress that, computer science is understanding how a code runs, how a program works. We build a program, draw an image, just by codings. And of cox, if you used object-oriented software which make easy for beginner user. You can draw well too.
" Wah i also can make it la..nicer than u summore."<--use certain program to do.
Im sure, if the coder were to use program instead of notepad type coding to create output, he can do better than the person who used program and do it. Understanding and creating, is two different things.
Wake up, your brain is located at ur head. not ur arse.
Think before you speak.
Your sentence potrays your personality and how mature you are.
Labels: People