Posted on Saturday, April 18, 2009, at 1:38 PM
"Master,the dark side force its overwhemling.
This power..., its unexplainable.
I dont know what to do
master, guide me...
With rage, i can destroy everything with much pleasure.
I cant do that on the good side.
Master, why does the power of evil feel so good?
the feeling of being a sith is simply.............overwhelming. "
Goodluck to all~
Posted on Wednesday, April 15, 2009, at 11:03 AM

My assignments and presentations are finally over
sigh.. even now study week also need present
lecturers dam like to bully student by giving alot of workload
hav to see lines of coding till late up nite =/
anyway~ is over~
hoho can concentrate in final le~
Labels: Daily
LOL word
Posted on Friday, April 10, 2009, at 10:42 PM
can anyone tell me what is 'lol'?
what is the right situation to use
what is the not right situation to use
what is the meaning of this word 'lol'?
It is commonly used in internet though. At msn, at online gaming, at blog, everything in internet
u can encounter this word 'lol'. If i not mistaken, lol means laugh out loud. But weird is.. how come ppl misuse this word?
For example
A : *nudge nudge *
B : ?
A : eh finish ur hw d?
B : no
A : lol
can anyone explain what is meaning by the reply 'lol' ? Imagine if this situation convert to real life, A ask u question and replied wit a lol . I mean for what reason to reply a 'lol' there? Is No sumthing funny? I dont get it.
I remembered this incident happen 3 semester ago. i was already pek chek facing some problem. Trying not to explode to anyone, i keep myself away from others. As normal, some busybody nothing-to-do dumbarse come ask how is my situation. After storytelling my situation, instead of helping and comforting, he reply with a 'lol' and msn status went busy.
For that moment i feel like slapping that fella . haha.
What u expect ppl to reply back when u say 'lol'? Isnt it ntg to say more?
This is not only limit to 'lol'. There's alot more. For example
'ic' , 'o' and so on.
Isnt this makes the conversation died?
Msn or virtual communication in the form of words, but just like speech, words tat one person type sometimes annoys another person.
Labels: lol
How To Produce a 30cm Chocolate
Posted on Tuesday, April 7, 2009, at 4:48 PM

I found this in forum again Lulz.
For those who wanna replicate the 30cm chocolate,
to produce such shit, it requires certain conditions:
1) the shitter must hold his/her shit for 48 hours to enable compression of shit
2) the food taken during the 48 hours must be of food with high fiber, to enable compact shit
3) during the 48 hours, shitter should refrain from extreme physical movement, especially the abdonem part to ensure the shit keep in shape
note: the shitter is encouraged to sit up straight all the time
4) during the process of shitting, the shitter should choose toilet bowls with big distance between the butthole and the shit landing place
note: if no such shit bwol found, shitter can squad on the toilet bowl instead of sitting on it
5) during the process of shit coming out from the butthole, the shitter must provide constant power for the pushing of equal diameter shitwarning: failure to do so might cause the hshit to have a weak spot, that tend to fracture
6) finally, the measurer must wear gloves for maximum protection against stomach bacterial.
and the sample, open at own risk. May cost your lunch, breakfast or booking dinner at restaurant
the link is safe. look at the link itself. imageshack
Labels: Nonsense
Car Pooling
Posted on Monday, April 6, 2009, at 7:20 PM

Is true that car pooling can of course saves up alot for universities student
Regarding charges, is depends on drivers either to collect from those who carpool their car or not to collect.
However, what i wanna say is when you collect charges. Make sure you have the responbilities to get everyone gathered before leaving. Im not saying is neccessary to wait but is it really one will abandon their friends when come to certain situation?
I dun really understand or get used to it maybe.
Here is the scenario
Oh dun say i wake up late. i woke up 4am that day.
Help him to collect to clean up sh1ts regarding reports and presentation slides to make it become a perfect one.
After doing so till 8.40am. i received a call.
" hey we will be going at 9am faster come "
Class was supposed to start at 12.
Ok fine. i go and ready in the short amount of time.
I remembered i reach between 8.55am till 9am .
Look around. No one was there.
Thinking. ' Am i late? ' No.
Look at my hp. There was no msg regarding they leave early.
if there is a msg , for sure i wont be furious cause i been informed.
Fine. i called. No one picked up.
Without much patience, i straight text one sms fcuk gao them.
haha.. weird is.. i been fcuked back by one of them.
he thought im joking.
Sometimes i wonder is he really that dumb couldnt understand the tone of my language in my msg.
What i trying to say is.
Carpooling is ok but when u accept sum1 money. make sure u have the responbilities to fetch them. Even if u are not fetching. At least leave a msg. This is not the matter of money actually. I dun mind those few ringgits.
Im just curious, for them, is it the carpooling is because of friendship or just to lighten their burden for petrol?

picture him calling me to clean his sh1t for reports. dulan
Labels: Daily life
Msia Boss Targa/Scarlion Squad~
Posted on Sunday, April 5, 2009, at 4:50 PM
Well, i go through forum. Every helm service was like 25m .
Therefore, im here to spoil da market ~
Donation 20m needed for helm service by ScarlionSlayerz squad
Donation are needed for potting and arrangement fee for attacker squad~
Currently our squad still recruiting lvl 145 above attacker
Method for sharing donation will be discuss deeply later ~
mapler who reading it now, please spread around regarding service n recruitments~
Commencing first launch on 11.4.2009 Saturday 7.30pm~
Labels: Maple
Unexpected home trip
Posted on Thursday, April 2, 2009, at 1:50 PM
Im supposed to back hometown on friday
but i reach home at 6.30am thursday morning @_@
it happen like this lo.
after watching movie named 'unborn' with coursemate
then i went back to my room. @_@
My clock shows 2.30am. Still so early le.
So i decide to surf net and do some of my stuffs
at 4am
*knock knock*
In my mind " wtf 4am ppl knock door. ghost ? wtf!! dun care dunwan open. "
-hide inside blanket-
*knock knock*
*knock knock*
*ring ring*
eh? coursemate calling @_@
" Wei, is me, come open door "
-come out from hideout and open door-
a : eh u wan back home ma now? i hav some problem need urgent back now -looks pekchek-
me : wah. 4am wor. u sure? dunwan later?
a : cant le. urgent. u wan u follow me ba. since thursday n friday no class d le.
me : err ok ok lo.
During my ride back home .
he seems to talk about gf.
" got gf also headache, no gf also headache "
so, realising it maybe of personal relationship. i didnt ask much.
Next day,
mostly of my coursemate hunts for me via msn, phone , etc etc. asking me what happen @_@. too bad i told them ntg xD.
In my opinion,
regarding other ppl relationship, one shud not interfere with others lo. sumtimes, if we interfere, things might get worse. So is better to let them settle themselves .
And, recently some of my frens encouraging others to hav gf.
Well, sumtimes one need to understand,
is easy to get gf, but to maintain that relationship is the hard part though.
Sumtimes, when u .......... 'to be continue at 2nd part'.
Labels: Daily life